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IMPORTANT: This is NOT an actual event and will not be held at any designated place and time. Please do not come to Kinstone for this virtual event.
THIS IS A VIRTUAL EVENT, a PLACEHOLDER FOR YOU for the February New Moon – please use the theme and information below to help you celebrate and  honor the new moon from your own place, on your own time, and in your own way this month!

February Theme: New Paradigm Leader: I share my gifts to awaken our world

Astrology: Aquarius (Air sign) is ruled by Uranus and Saturn

Keywords: curious, imaginative, generous, humanitarian, innovative, inspired service, purposeful, revolutionary, free-thinking


Thoughts from our Global Sisterhood leaders for this month (modified from provided Global Sisterhood resources):

“Acting from love doesn’t always mean being nice, being kind, or being a peacemaker. Acting from love could be speaking up about something that is not being heard or taking fierce action. If you are speaking hard controversial truths from a place of love, then you are acting from love. If you are taking fierce action or breaking the rules from a place of love, you are acting from love.

There is rebel energy in the visionary and in the humanitarian. We must break free from social norms to innovate and create change. We can do this from love or we can do this from disrespect. If we act from love, for love, and in the name of love our actions will elevate consciousness and create change. Now, more than ever it’s important to have compassion for the suffering in humanity.

Compassion does not mean inaction… in fact, it’s the opposite. The etymology breakdown is “com” “passion” or “with passion” Let’s share our love with passion. Let’s share empathy with passion. Let’s allow ourselves to be corrected with passion. Let’s take inspired action with passion. Let’s allow our passion for the awakening and healing of our world to fuel our daily actions.

This is what this month’s theme is all about.”

Thoughts about the Astrological Forecast

The Aquarian:

  • The word “Aquarius” comes from Latin meaning “water-carrier, water-pourer.” Its astrological symbol represents water, but looks like an electrical jolt.
  • Aquarius connects us to energies of originality, eccentricity, freedom, radical expression, and epiphanies of all sorts.
  • It craves innovation and orients us to the future and what is possible. When sparked, it catalyzes creativity, new insights, or exciting novelty.
  • Activated Aquarius energy in our society spurs technology breakthroughs
  • Yet Aquarius energy also compels us to consider social justice as part of the collective and communal experience.

Discussion Questions:

  • What dream do you have for our world and how can you support it in becoming a realty?
  • If you could wave a magic wand and inspire in humans one core belief, what would it be?
  • What is broken with our current system and how can we evolve it?
  • What is your medicine to offer the world?
  • What do you think the world needs most at this time?
    • How can you embody this or in what small ways can you help it come into fruition?
  • Create your own question.

Visualizations to add into the Heart Meditation for this New Moon: 

  • Imagine every woman’s dreams being honored as sacred, important, and revolutionary.
  • Envision every woman on this planet living her purpose and making her unique contribution to creating a better world for all. Imagine every woman knowing the power of her dreams.
  • Imagine humanity rising beyond day-to-day worries, stresses, and arguments as we tune into a greater mission, recognizing we are on the same team and we are here to give back to this planet together.
  • Feel the power and magic of every one of us harnessing our unique inner vision in service to others as we nurture solutions and innovate our world.
  • Envision yourself and each woman in our community feeling open, compassionate, and devoted as we step into being leaders and manifest epic lives and a beautiful new world. Envision us birthing it together in a way that feels most natural to our unique gifts and paths.
  • In this moment, feel your care for humanity flowing through your body as you align with what you know you are being called to contribute, tapping into your inspiration, inner vision, imagination, and desire to give from a place of overflowing love.


“As the world turns,

And the hours go by,

We share this prayer

For our precious human life.

We are the water,

We are the mothers,

The daughters,

The crones.

We are the eye of the storm,

As visionaries of a new earth,

We bring healing,

We bring vision and direction,

We are the bring the feminine essence;

We quench the deep thirst of this world.

Our dreams and our visions are messages

Codes within our DNA

Here to illuminate and guide the way.

We are the rebels,

The visionaries,

The revolutionaries,

And caregivers.”


Upcoming 2021 Kinstone Women’s Circle Event Dates, Astrologies and Themes:

Likely Virtual Event: Monday, March 8 – International Women’s Day:  <theme tba>

Likely Virtual Event: Friday, March 13 – Pisces: Feminine Intelligence: I trust my intuitive wisdom

Likely Virtual Event: Sunday, April 11 – Aries: Fierce Love: I stand in my power with clear boundaries

Tuesday, May 11 – Taurus: Empowered Beauty: My body, my rules

Thursday, June 10 – Gemini: Free the Voice: I speak and share my truth

Friday, July 9 – Cancer:  Ancestral Healing: I heal the past, present, and future

Sunday, August 8 – Leo: Fearlessly Me: I choose to be seen

Monday, September 6 (Labor Day) – Virgo: The Great Mother: I am her daughter, Holy and Sovereign

Wednesday, October 6 – Libra: Restoring Balance: I heal the masculine and feminine within

Virtual Event: Thursday, November 4 – Scorpio: Sacred Sexuality: My pleasure, my power

Virtual Event: Saturday, December  4 – Sagittarius: The Heroine’s Journey: I’m the one I’ve been waiting for


Reminder: There are no in person gatherings for the Kinstone New Moon women’s circles during November, December, January, and February plus any months that weather or pestilence prevent us from gathering in person. We post “Virtual Events” for these months with insights and information you can use to honor the new moon on your own.

Photo credit: Kristine Beck

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