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Join us to celebrate the passing of the seasons from Summer to Autumn. We will celebrate at sunrise on the Autumnal Equinox as we look to see the equinox sunrise alignment between sun and stone here at Kinstone!

COST: Free, No Registration Required (NOTE: If you plan to walk around Kinstone after this event, please plan to pay the $5 admission fee.)

Date: Monday, September 23, 2019   Time: 6:30am – 7:30am (at Sunrise)

Location: The Three Witnesses Sculpture at Kinstone

Come experience the Autumnal Equinox sunrise as we gather in the center of The Three Witnesses sculpture at Kinstone. Given fair weather and clear skies, we will watch the sun as it crests the ridge and beams through the Equinox Window to light up the heart of the middle “witness”. Given cloudy or rainy weather, we will not see the sunrise, but will greet it ceremoniously regardless! This will be a quiet, meditative event with a short opening rite and reading.

After our readings, if the sun is visible, participants may wish to look at the alignment through the Equinox Window, see the heart highlighted in the center stone Witness, sit in the light of the sun, take photos, and greet the sunrise. We will witness the arrival of Autumn and send Summer on its way with our blessings. This gathering will last about 45 minutes to one hour. Actual sunrise is at 6:54am. However, with the topography specific to Kinstone and the fields and trees in our view, the time we witness it is always somewhat different.

This event is outdoors and will be held rain or shine. Please note that we will not see the alignment if it is cloudy or if the horizon is obstructed by early morning mist, fog or clouds. If it is raining, we may gather indoors inside the Kinstone Education Center. Cancellation will occur in case of a major storm. Dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear, scarves, hats and gloves if chilly!

Interesting fact: The exact time of the Autumnal Equinox is Monday, September 23, 2019 at 2:50am CDT. 

IMPORTANT: If you wish to wander the grounds of Kinstone outside of this event, please plan to pay your regular admission. Thank you.

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